Archive for Endorsements
2024 General Election Endorsements
General Election Endorsements October 8, 2024 Georgia Stonewall Democrats are proud to announce General Election Endorsements for these fair-minded candidates. Thank you to the many candidates and advocates, current and past, who continue to push for change. One election cycle at a time we can make our state fairer and more equitable for…
2024 Democratic Primary Endorsements
April 19, 2024For Immediate Release Georgia Stonewall Democrats are proud to announce additional endorsements for the May 21st Democratic Primary. Georgia Stonewall Democrats is Georgia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and ally Democratic community. As LGBTQ+ and ally Democrats, we have a unique and critically important role to play in our…
Early Endorsements for May 21st Democratic Primary
For Immediate Release March 2024 Georgia Stonewall Democrats are proud to announce Early Endorsements for these fair-minded candidates. These are Early Endorsements for multi term incumbents who:• Have robustly supported progressive issues• Have Democratic PRIMARY Opponents in May • Have maintained our support in their current roles, elected offices, and…
2022 General Election Endorsements
September 25, 2022 Georgia Stonewall Democrats are proud to announce additional General election endorsements for these fair-minded candidates. Thank you to the many candidates and advocates, current and past, who continue to push for change. One election cycle at a time we can make our state fairer and more equitable for all….
2022 – General Election Early Endorsements
Early Endorsements for November 8, 2022! September 9, 2022 Georgia Stonewall Democrats are proud to announce early General election endorsements for these fair-minded candidates. Thank you to the many candidates and advocates, current and past, who continue to push for change. One election cycle at a time we can make our state…
2021 Municipal Election November 2nd Endorsements
Georgia Stonewall Democrats is pleased to see the ongoing commitment to LGBTQ equality exhibited by so many candidates for local office this cycle. These endorsements reflect credible candidates with long histories of leadership, elected or within their communities. In many cases these are people we’ve interacted with for many years,…
Endorsements for Nov 3rd Election
Georgia Stonewall Democrats AnnounceNEWEndorsements – October 13, 2020 2020 marks a historic milestone for LGBTQ support in Georgia’s Democratic Party. Since 2006 Georgia Stonewall Democrats have questioned candidates for public office on a variety of issues like equality, HIV funding & treatment, reproductive justice, and many other progressive issues affecting our…
2020 Historic Numbers of Endorsed Candidates
May 21th, 2020- Updated! Georgia Stonewall Democrats Announce Endorsements in Historic Numbers! 2020 marks a historic milestone for LGBTQ support in Georgia’s Democratic Party. Since 2006 Georgia Stonewall Democrats has questioned candidates for public office on a variety of issues like equality, HIV funding & treatment, reproductive justice and many other…
Endorsements for 2020
For Immediate Release May 21th, 2020- Updated! Georgia Stonewall Democrats Announce Endorsements in Historic Numbers! 2020 marks a historic milestone for LGBTQ support in Georgia’s Democratic Party. Since 2006 Georgia Stonewall Democrats has questioned candidates for public office on a variety of issues like equality, HIV funding & treatment, reproductive justice…
Endorsements for 2018
Current Endorsed Candidates! Contact information for all Democratic Candidates HERE 2018 Statewide Candidates: Governor – Stacey Abrams Lt. Governor – Sarah Riggs Amico Attorney General – Charlie Bailey Labor Commissioner – Richard Keatley PSC District 3 – Lindy Miller PSC District 5 – Dawn Randolph Georgia State Senate: SD#6 Jen Jordan…
2018 Endorsement List for May 22nd Primary – Incumbents
Our First Round of Endorsements for 2018 Georgia Stonewall Democrats would like to ask your consideration of these hard-working candidates at the state legislature who are standing firm for equality, civility, justice and fair-mindedness. These candidates have been advocates for the LGBTQ community for years and deserve our support. Some have…
2017 Run Off Endorsement
2017 Election Run-Off Endorsement Today we endorse Keisha Lance Bottoms for Atlanta Mayor. Atlanta voters have a tough choice ahead. In comparing the two candidate applications for endorsement, we found one was decidedly more robust. Keisha Lance Bottoms is committed to continuing to move the city forward, not only on…